Enredados en lo virtualEstrategias de Gobiernos e insurrecciones postbiológicas

  1. Gordo López, Ángel Juan
  2. Cavia Pardo, Beatriz
Papeles de identidad: Contar la investigación de frontera

ISSN: 1695-6494

Ano de publicación: 2002

Número: 5

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Papeles de identidad: Contar la investigación de frontera


As much the sexualizing of the cyberspace as the evolutionist discourses on the virtual thing show certain government devices of the emergent biotechnological relations, such as virtual sex or the multiplicity of identities in the Network. These devices and relations can be normative and regulative, but they can also become emancipatory forms of political and social resistance. Throughout this chapter we cover some of the paradoxes and possibilities that the social construction of the virtual thing implies for contemporary identity.

Referencias bibliográficas

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